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Est-ce un oiseau?

A performance freely inspired by the Brancusi vs. the USA trial asking the eternal question : What is art?  An astonishing mix of theatre, music, poetry and plastic questionings. 

On stage, two actors and singers and three musicians. Five strong personalities in both artistic expression and stage presence, sharing with the audience the dramatized extracts from the trial and the questions that arise from it in a tasty cocktail of jazz, poetry, electro, rock and song...

VIDEOS  |  PHOTOS  |  Press

Collectif du Lion  |  Belgium  |  +32 (0)478 39 02 49  


Collectif du Lion asbl - 49 rue Belleflamme boîte J / B-4030 Liège / N.E  0439-041-89

WebMaster > Racasse Studio

© Photos, vidéos, musiques, textes, logo & illustration. Tous droits réservés.
© Photos, videos, music, text, logo & illustration. All rights reserved.

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